Search - Linux
- 2024.sep.21 Computer - Fedora: automatically install updates
- 2024.aug.24 Computer - Calendar change in 1752
- 2024.jun.27 Computer - Linux: no-code terminal clocks
- 2024.jan.14 Computer - podman: start with systemd
- 2023.sep.14 Computer - Linux: display a random word
- 2023.jul.18 Computer - Fedora: shortest update command
- 2023.jan.28 Computer - Send a messsage with Google Alerts 2
- 2023.jan.07 Computer - Send a messsage with Google Alerts 1
- 2022.oct.05 Computer - certbot: delete a certificate
- 2022.jun.09 Computer - Linux: where is the mailx package?
- 2022.apr.18 Programming - Windows: S_ISREG() and S_ISDIR()
- 2022.apr.03 Computer - Raspberry PI OS: update packages / OS
- 2022.feb.23 Computer - Linux: sandbox services with systemd
- 2021.nov.15 Computer - Linux: lock down Apache webserver
- 2021.oct.18 Computer - Linux: Deny all crontab access
- 2021.jun.22 Computer - Linux: Get a superuser shell prompt
- 2021.feb.12 Computer - Fedora: root disk nearly full
- 2021.feb.08 Computer - Linux: Add a new disk to a LVM
- 2021.jan.28 Computer - Postfix: quick Postscreen setup
- 2021.jan.23 Computer - Fedora: enable btrfs compression
- 2020.oct.22 Programming - bash: unix2dos command
- 2020.oct.22 Programming - bash: dos2unix command
- 2020.oct.08 Computer - Linux: See the time on an NTP server
- 2020.jul.28 Travel - What's on your travel laptop
- 2020.jun.16 Computer - Linux: Install Prosody XMPP server
- 2020.jun.11 Programming - bash: get file age (in days)
- 2020.may.13 Computer - Screen: cheat sheet
- 2020.apr.15 Computer - Linux: See failed ssh login attempts
- 2020.mar.27 Computer - journalctl: limit the journal size
- 2020.mar.22 Programming - Nodejs: hello world
- 2020.mar.11 Computer - Postfix: discard mail to one user
- 2020.mar.04 Computer - BOINC: Switch from SETI
- 2020.jan.01 Computer - Fedora: LXC on Fedora 31
- 2019.dec.04 Computer - Apache: Make the autoindex pretty
- 2019.nov.15 Computer - Openssl: dump/list a certificate
- 2019.nov.11 Computer - systemd: restart down service
- 2019.oct.24 Tech Opinion - Function name verb convention
- 2019.aug.08 Computer - Linux: LVM on the command line
- 2019.may.28 Computer - Tmux: quick start
- 2019.apr.23 Computer - Linux: Open source video editor
- 2019.apr.22 Computer - Linux: TUI file managers
- 2019.apr.21 Computer - Linux: Nice looking basic system info
- 2019.apr.06 Computer - Linux: display images in terminal
- 2019.apr.05 Computer - Linux: How do I count nothing?
- 2019.mar.07 Computer - Fedora: Set background for grub2 boot
- 2019.feb.04 Programming - Linux: portable script
- 2019.jan.26 Programming - Linux: DNS lookup
- 2019.jan.17 Computer - Linux: Snap quick start
- 2019.jan.04 Computer - OpenVPN client setup on Fedora
- 2018.dec.29 Computer - OpenVPN server setup on Fedora
- 2018.sep.22 Computer - Curses GUI for BOINC
- 2018.sep.16 Computer - Debian: Search with apt-get
- 2018.jun.25 Computer - Linux: Find the distro I am on?
- 2018.jun.20 Programming - Fail2ban: list full status
- 2018.jun.20 Computer - Proftpd TLS on RedHat/Fedora/CentOS
- 2018.may.02 Computer - Ubuntu: launch a terminal?
- 2017.jan.31 Computer - How can I setup a caching DNS server?
- 2016.feb.26 Computer - What's a fun retro way to internet?
- 2016.feb.07 Computer - How can I shrink an image?
- 2015.sep.03 Computer - How can I do a simple bandwidth test?
- 2015.jun.26 Programming - How can I fix this linker error:
- 2015.jun.23 Computer - How can I delete things In vim?
- 2015.may.31 Programming - C/C++: Wrapper class for PCRE
- 2015.may.30 Programming - C: Is C regex useful?
- 2014.jan.20 Computer - Should I use Nagios or Icinga?
- 2013.nov.27 Programming - How do I make a systemd service?
- 2013.aug.30 Computer - How do I set a headless up SETI
- 2013.jun.18 Computer - What package are nslookup and dig in?
- 2012.dec.19 Computer - How do I setup Squirrel Mail?
- 2012.dec.11 Computer - How can I resize an LVM volume/disk?
- 2012.dec.07 Computer - How can I convert/transcode video?
- 2012.dec.03 Computer - How can I view some of a large file?
- 2012.may.15 Programming - How can my app reboot the device?
- 2012.apr.10 Computer - Make gzip compress faster
- 2012.mar.23 Computer - What is IP-address ?
- 2011.oct.15 Computer - Apache: good and simple missing page
- 2011.apr.15 Computer - Where is the smbclient program ?
- 2011.mar.05 Computer - How do I encode a file as base64?
- 2010.jun.08 Computer - Linux: Cancel a reboot request!
- 2010.apr.13 Computer - What kind of video card do I have?
- 2010.mar.15 Programming - C/C++: How do I use strtok_r() ?
- 2009.nov.27 Computer - What package is nslookup in ?
- 2009.nov.22 Computer - Where is the Windows hosts file?
- 2009.nov.20 Computer - Gnome: How can I edit my menus?
- 2009.jul.01 Computer - Linux: How do I view a .1 file?
- 2009.may.12 Computer - Linux: The Linux file backup commands
- 2009.mar.22 Computer - How can I save some diskspace?
- 2008.dec.29 Computer - When does that domain name expire?
- 2007.dec.20 Computer - Linux: The two letter Linux commands
- 2007.dec.14 Computer - Postfix: make Postfix support TLS
- 2007.nov.02 Computer - What is a "tar ball" ?
- 2007.nov.02 Computer - What is a "tar pipe" ?
- 2007.nov.02 Computer - Linux: The Linux compression commands
- 2007.oct.16 Computer - How can I disable IPv6 on Linux?
- 2006.nov.06 Programming - How was Dave's Brain implemented?
- 2004.dec.03 Programming - Old - What libraries do you use?
- 2003.mar.03 Computer - Is there a safe way to try out Linux?
- 1997.dec.16 Computer - vim: How to cut and paste with vim