Computer Tips - What are the essential keystrokes for a Windows user?

Date: 2013jun11 OS: Windows (many work on other OSes) Level: Beginner Q. What are the essential keystrokes for a Windows user? A.
Ctrl-X Cut to clipboard Ctrl-C Copy to clipboard Ctrl-V Paste from clipboard Ctrl-F Find in browser, word processor, etc Ctrl-N New windows (eg in explorer, browser) Ctrl-Z Undo Ctrl-Esc Windows Menu Alt-Tab Switch between applications Ctrl-Alt-Del Bring up menu when computer is hung (and other times) Esc Close current dialog Alt-F4 Close current application F1 Help F5 Refresh Ctrl-Backspace Delete a word Win-X Display some choices in Windows8+
Not essential
Ctrl-A Select all Alt-Up Arrow Up to parent directory in Explore